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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Tips Blogging. Tampilkan semua postingan

Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Online Income? You Really Need To Have A Look! There’s No Need To Sell Anything But Help

8 Simple Steps How To Make Money Blogging Steps To Follow: 1

8 Simple steps how to make money blogging
Steps to follow:
1. What is a blog? Blog is a website or part of a website maintained by someone making regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.
2. Write your blog in an appropriate to your blog topic. People will inevitably return to your blog if the subject you write about and the style in which you write it appeals to them. Keep it personable so as to invite interaction through blog comments and links back to your blog from other bloggers who like what you write.
3. Create a niche market and domain name. If you’re setting up a blog with the intention of making money, you need to find a profitable niche.
4. Select blog software to use There are a number of popular blogging software around, including Blogger and Wordpress.
5. Go to your new blog website. Substitute your actual domain name for ’yourblogname’.
6. Make Money Consider buying a system and eprogram that can completely automate everything -- from e-sales, e-credit card usage and e-downloads (delivery online) -- to everything else that is needed to keep sales, customer info and operate a successful business online.
7. Sell your own/affiliate ’e-product’ that people will want to buy: Information e-products is quick to create and quick to market. The product that you would sell is digital and your space taken up is on your computer and on the online site harddrive. Start posting and begin generating revenue.
8. Sign-up for ’Pay Per Click’ with a site where you get paid for visitors on your site clicking on other peoples’ ads to be redirected to that other site.

Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Millions of Customers

Get More Visitors

Get More Visitors, Get More Sales!!!

With no constant current of shoppers you cannot have stable everyday revenue.
You cannot get revenue if no one comes to your website. You need customers to see your web-site, every day, 24 hours!
Our company helps more than 30,000 clients get more visitors online.
You can increase your revenue by receiving hundreds of real interested customers to see your website.
More Customers...

Increase search engine rank

Increase your website search engine rank

Showing up on search engines is one of the most critical ways to increase website traffic and show your product or service to people that might be interested in what you are offering.
Most of the major search engines use an algorithm to calculate your website ranks.
They know the number of sites are referring to your website; more links and visitors higher rank for your web site.
Get Higher Rank...

Advertise to over 10 million users

Promote to over 10 million customers around the world.

We advertise your company in worldwide network of partners portals, each with own targeted auditory.
Our company gives you innovative advertising methods that helps your business succeed on the Internet.
We will give you real and visible results and take your website to the next level.
Advertise to Over 10 Million customers Now...

Create blog on blogger.com

Please do the following:

  1. Open site http://www.blogger.com in your Internet browser.
  2. Click the "CREATE A BLOG" button.
  3. On the following page youll be prompted to create a Google Account.
  4. Once youre done with Account, click the "Create a blog" link.
  5. Enter a Title for your blog: "klikjoker"
  6. Enter Address (URL): "klikjoker"
  7. Then type in the verification word and click "CONTINUE".
  8. On the next step choose a template, which you like most.
  9. Then click the "START BLOGGING" button.
  10. Click the "Compose" link to switch to text mode.
  11. In the Title box enter: "klikjoker"
  12. Then enter few sentences about you, who you are, what you are doing, what country you live, about your family and friends.

    Now, the most important part, where the money comes from:

  13. On the next line type your signature like: "klikjoker" (it can be any other name or sentence).
  14. Then select this signature and press the "Link" button.

  15. In the "URL" box enter the following address: http://klikjoker.blogspot.com and click the "Ok" button.
    This link has your unique affiliate id. When somebody clicks on this link, money comes to your account.

Your blog is ready. Click the "PUBLISH POST" button.

Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Tips Membuat Blog Untuk Bisnis Online

Membuat blog untuk bisnis online adalah salah satu cara strategis dan mudah memulai bisnis online untuk pemula. Kenapa saya katakan cara mudah ?, karena membuat blog hanya membutuhkan waktu 5 menit. Bahkan anda bisa memiliki blog gratis, anda tidak harus membayar apapun, dan blog anda akan selalu ada di internet hampir selamanya. Ada 2 pilihan flatform blog yang bisa anda buat dengan mudah dan gratis, yaitu blog blogspot dan blog wordpress.com. Hanya saja untuk anda yang suatu saat ingin menjadikan blog anda tampil beda sesuai selera anda, maka blog blogspot pilihan terbaik, karena tampilan blog blogspot bisa anda edit semau anda, sementara tamplan blog wordpress.com tidak bisa anda ubah, blog wordpress.com akan tetap tampil seperti saat pertama anda gunakan. Memilih blog flatform blogspot ini adalah pilihan awal untuk anda yang hendak menjadikan bisnis anda online, sementara anda tidak ingin mengeluarkan biaya bulanan. Meskipun demikian membuat blog berbayar itu jauh lebih baik karena ia berbayar bulanan maka ia akan benar-benar menjadi milik anda, sedangkan blog blogspot gratisan, karena ia gratis maka anda tidak punya hak penuh atas blog anda. Untuk blog berbayar anda bisa memilih blog wordpress.org. Anda bisa ubah tampilan blog berbayar wordpress.org semau anda, tapi tentu saja itu untuk anda yang bisa memahami kode bahasa program komputer. Mengelola blog wordpress.org mudah, semudah membuat file menggunakan microsoft word. Untuk membuat blog wordpress.org anda memerlukan nama domain dan jasa hosting yang banyak tersedia di dalam negeri. Harga nama domain berkisar Rp.90.000,- untuk masa pakai 1 tahun, jadi tiap tahun anda harus memperpanjang hak pakai nama domain anda. Kemudian biaya jasa hosting dimulai dari Rp.15.000,- per bulan, dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh penyedia hosting. Jika anda tidak memperpanjang hak pakai nama domain anda maka blog anda akan tidak tampil di internet, begitupun juga jika anda tidak membayar tagihan jasa hosting. Tapi anda tidak perlu khawatir lupa membayar, karena penyedia jasa hosting akan memberitahukan anda jika saat anda harus membayar sudah tiba. Barangkali sampai disini anda bingung yang mana harus anda pilih, blog blogspot yang gratis atau blog berbayar wordpress.org, pilihan ada ditangan anda. Jika anda memerlukan bantuan konsultasi tentang bisnis online dan pembuatan blog silahkan hubungi saya via email bisnisonlinemasyuli@gmail.com atau via ponsel 0857-470-830-87 (im3) dan 0819-089-772-74 (xl). Jika anda ingin mengetahui cara membuat bog blogspot silahkan klik disini.

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

How To Measure SEO Effectiveness?

How To Measure SEO Effectiveness?

How do I track & measure the results of my SEO & link building campaign?

  1. Before purchasing links, check your current website rankings measure_seo_resultson Google for your targeted keywords. You can do that either with the help of this Google Keyword Tracker Tool or with the help of CuteRank.

    Or here is how you can quickly do that manually: open Google.com, go to settings, select "Show the first 100 search results", and save settings. Now type your keyword, click Search, and look through the first 200-500 search results, looking for your website URL. Press Ctrl+F and type your site domain name to find it among the search results quickly. If you find your site there, check which exactly place it has and write it down. If you don't - you'll know your site isn't in the first 200-500 search results.
  2. Purchase some links for your keyword. The more competitive your keyword is (the shorter it is), the more links you'll need to buy to be able to see rankings improvement for that keyword. Learn more about selecting the right keywords. If you're on a tight budget or new to SEO and want to test LinksManagement service, select low competitive keyword phrase (it should contain at least 3-4 words) and buy minimum 10 links for this keyword. And you'll see great results. If your keyword is low competitive, maybe you'll even be able to get to the 1st place on Google by having only 10 backlinks for that keyword.
  3. Check your website rankings on Google 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and even 6 months later. You can also do this with the help of CuteRank. The longer your link lives, the more valuable it becomes for Google and for your website. Google implemented algorithm, which gives very low weight to new links and much higher weight to old links. They did it because if a link gets removed soon, it means it wasn't natural. If it stays alive for long, it means it's natural. So the longer your link stays alive, the more value it has and the more results it brings. That's why in 1 month after links purchase you'll see only 5% of the whole effectiveness of these links. On the 2nd month you'll see around 15% of whole effectiveness of your backlinks. On 3rd month - around 30%. On 4th month - from 50% to 70%. And only when your links stayed alive for 6 months and more, Google will take them really seriously and you'll see from 70% to 100% of their influence on your site rankings improvement.
If you don't have a LinksManagement account yet, you can sign up free here or you can find out more about our PR4-PR8 contextual link building service here.

How to Choose Keywords for Your Website?

How to Choose Keywords for Your Website?

Choosing the Right Keywords is a Key to
Successful SEO & Link Popularity Campaign

If you are implementing SEO for your website, it doesn't do much unless you select the right keywords for your link building campaign. There are several important stages in selecting the best keywords in terms of SEO & ROI:
1. Who Is Your Targeted Audience? How to Choose Keywords for Your Website

Who are your potential customers? What words are they most likely going to use to find your products or services on Google? Write down the top 10-20 key phrases that best describe your services or products. There should be a few words here — not just “lawyer,” but “San Diego divorce lawyer.”

2. Where Is The Most Traffic?

Insert your keyword list into the Google AdWords Keyword Selector Tool to find the most searched keywords. Use the synonyms feature to get more ideas. If there is a lot of traffic (in thousands), focus on the exact match only. If there is not, then look at the phrase matches. Rank them in hierarchy of traffic, export them into an excel spreadsheet and highlight the ones you would like to rank for. We strongly suggest you to use the Ultimate Niche Finder tool to easier find the right keywords! Just watch this short video presentation and you will LOVE it.

3. What Keyword Are The Least Competitive?choose right keywords for seo

The easiest way to select the least competitive keywords is to use those key phrases, which contain at least 3-4 words. All 1- and 2-words keywords have HUGE competition. If you're on a tight budget, focus on long tail keywords (which contain from 4 and more words).

4. Are Your Keywords Profitable?

Are people, using your selected keywords, looking to buy something? A phrase like “Swiss watches” may have 10x more traffic, but a phrase like “buy a Swiss watch” will bring in the bucks with a higher ROI and will take a much shorter time to rank.

5. Test Your Keywords with Google AdWords bef
ore You Invest in Themselect the best keywords

Here’s a simple tip that could easily save you 12 months of work: setting up an effective SEO campaign in a competitive market can be a long drawn out and expensive process. Worse yet, if you are focused on the wrong keywords, you might need to start over again after you find out that your site is not producing the results you want.

An easy way to avoid needing to start over is to test the value of your selected keywords before you heavily commit to your SEO strategy. Buying pay-per-click ads (PPC) from Google AdWords allows you to see what keywords have the ability to drive traffic to your site, and whether or not it converts to leads and clients! Many people waste thousands of dollars to find out later that their keywords don't bring them the right audience. Test your keywords in AdWords to avoid that. Learn how to do this right.

6. Focus!
choose right keywords for seo

Select a few main keywords, for which you want to rank high and focus on these keywords until you get the 1st place on Google for each of them. Don't invest in more than 5 keywords at a time unless you can afford that or if your keywords are long tail keywords (with very low competition). One of the biggest mistakes of many SEOs is trying to reach high rankings for 10 or more highly competitive keywords at once with low budget.

7. Go The Easy Way.

If you're on a tight budget, here is a 5-steps technique for you to get to the 1st spot on Google ASAP & with minimum budget.

If you're new to SEO, then we strongly recommend you to read more detailed help in regards to which keywords to choose in this great article, written by SEO Book.

P.S. And remember - the sooner you buy links for your site, the sooner you'll improve your rankings on Google, increase traffic & sales! (If you don't have a LinksManagement account yet, you can sign up free here or you can find out more about our PR4-PR8 contextual link building service here.)

Google PageRank Formula

Google PageRank Formula Revealed!
Find Out The Most Efficient & Affordable Way of
Increasing Your Site's Google PR

Any backlink from any webpage increases your website's PR (except no-follow links)How_to_Increase_Google_PR. However, there is a HUGE difference between a passed PR weight from each web-page, depending on its PR and number of outbound links it has. The easiest way to increase your site's Google PR is to buy links on those pages, which pass high Google PR Weight to your web page! 

Passed PR Weight - is Google PageRank weight, passed from the backlink page to your web page. This weight is calculated based on t
he Google PageRank Formula. For your convenience, below we provided a simplified explanation of Google PR Formula / Algorithm.

Simplified Explanation of Google PageRank Formula / Algorithm

Each Google PageRank, which you see as a green bar in your Google Toolbar (which looks like this: ) has its own hidden weight, which is not shown in the toolbar. In the table below you can see that each PR has 5 times more weight, than the previous PR.

Google PR of the
Backlink Page
PR Weight of the
Backlink Page
PR0 1
PR1 5
PR2 25
PR3 125
PR4 625
PR5 3,125
PR6 15,625
PR7 78,125
PR8 390,625
PR9 1,953,125
PR10 9,765,625
It means that if you buy a backlink on Page A following to your Page B, then your page will get the following PR weight: PR weight of Page A / number of outbound links on Page A - 15% = weight, passed to your Page B - this is the formula! (Note: we didn't invent this algorithm. You can find the same, but more difficult explanation of Google PR formula on Wikipedia and other web resources.)
For example, if you buy a backlink on PR6 page with 25 outbound links, then your page will get the following PR weight: 15,625 (weight of PR6 page) / 26 outbound links (25 existing links, plus your link will become 26th outbound link) - 15% = 510.82 passed PR weight. This weight will be added to your current page's weight. If your page is PR0 (1 weight), then it will become PR3 in the next Google PR update. Why PR3? Link from PR6 page passed 510.82 weight to your page, and if you take a look in the above table, you'll see that to get PR4, you need to have 625 weight. Since your page has only 511.82 weight, it will get PR3.
Now, let's take a look at another example for you to see how important the number of outbound links is. For example, if you buy a backlink on PR6 page with only 1 outbound link, then your page will get the following PR weight: 15,625 (weight of PR6 page) / 2 (your link will become 2nd outbound link) - 15% = 6,640.62 weight. If your page is PR0, such backlink will increase your page PR to PR5 in the next Google PR update!
All this means that when you purchase backlinks, you need to consider not only Google PR of the page, but also the number of outbound links on that page. This is even more important! And this is what LinksManagement does for you: LinksManagement calculates PR weight of a backlink page and shows it to you in our Find & Buy Links Interface in the Passed PR Weight column. Buy Links With The Highest Google PR Weight Today, and Increase Your Site PR to The Next Level! If you don't have a LinksManagement account yet, sign up free below.

7 Important Steps to Get Ranked Top 10 on Google

LinksManagement SEO experts are used to endeavor at revealing the reasons why some sites cannot succeed to get ranked in Google Top 10 regardless the amount of backlinks, nor their quality. We have analyzed thousands of our clients' websites and their SEO strategies of achieving #1 on Google and noticed that some of our clients have great results, whereas others don't. So we aimed at revealing the most important reasons WHY some clients cannot succeed to get ranked in Google Top 10 and what you need to do to successfully achieve #1 on Google.

For your convenience the list of "must-dos" is given below. Follow these steps:

1. Get high quality text backlinks from relevant websites.

Quality of backlinks is much more important than quantity. There are numerous of cases when lower number of backlinks yields much higher rankings boost on Google than higher number of links with lower quality. And after the recent Google updates quality became even more important than quantity. So focus on high quality, text backlinks, coming from relevant webpages with PR1 and higher. Learn How to Choose The Right Keywords for Your Website.

2. Get rid of all the duplicated content.
It is not just an advice. It's a sharp necessity! After Panda 3.6 update having been launched by Google recently there is no way for the sites with duplicated content to be in Google Top 10. So, pay attention to the quality of your site content because the importance of this factor grows up from day to day. There are numerous content duplicate checker tools, which may help you find and get rid of all the duplicated content.

3. Get backlinks from pages with various PR.
There were many words said about the naturalness of the link building campaigns. And much more will be said. In this view, the diversity of PR of your links comes to the foreground. You should understand that only high PR or only low PR links in your backlink profile seem suspicious to Google. That's why your backlinks have to come from web pages with different PR. Moreover, most of your links should come PR0 and PR1 pages to look natural for Google.

Your keywords have to be various as well.
The researchers have shown that clients who were building links not only for their main keyword, but also for the anchor texts like "click here" and by using their site URL address as an anchor text, were progressing in the SERPs even after Penguin update. Thereupon, we suggest you to build 20% of your links for the URL address as an anchor text and 20% with such  anchor texts as "click here", "see the details", "learn more", etc.
As for the natural links acquisition, you have to realize that hundreds of links built for only one keyword are far from being considered as natural by Google. Thus, we strongly recommend you building links for your site for different keywords. This moment can be crucial for your site getting to the wanted page #1. For example, if your main keyword is 'real estate', feel free to get backlinks for such keywords as: "real estate", "real estate new york", "affordable real estate", "usa real estate", "click here to see real estate", etc. Your keywords can contain your main keyword, but they should also contain some other additional words - this will make your campaign look natural to Google. Learn How to Choose The Right Keywords for Your Website.

5. Purchase links gradually.
Don't buy a lot of high PR links the same day. But them little by little. For example, if your current website PR is PR3, don't buy more than 1 PR5 or PR6 link per week. And better start from purchasing a few PR2 and PR3 links first. In a week buy a few PR4 links. In one more week, buy 1 PR5 link and 5 more PR1 links. And so on. Let us know if you need more help regarding this or let us select & buy the best relevant PR3-PR6 links for your website - just subscribe to one of our Contextual Links Packages and we'll do everything for you.

6. Be patient.
The more competitive your keywords are, the more time it is necessary for you to get ranked on Google. It can take from 3 to 9 months. Most LinksManagement customers achieve Top 10 on Google within 6 months. Remember that Google is using psychological manipulation - when you get new backlinks, at first your rankings drop down, and only with time they come back and get higher than they were before. So once again, be patient.

7. Track the results.
Check out our Weekly Rankings Changes Reports, which are automatically sent to you by LinksManagement for free on a regular basis to see where you were before your link building campaign initiation and where you are now. Feel free to also use CuteRank or some other tools to check your rankings. Learn How To Measure Your Campaign Effectiveness & Results.

If you don't have a LinksManagement account yet, you can sign up free here or you can find out more about our PR4-PR8 contextual link building service here.

Simple Way To Get PR4-PR8 Relevant Links 100% Guaranteed

Some of our clents inform us that they couldn't find PR4-PR8 links in Find & Buy inventory. Usually this happended because they were searching for the websites from really small niches (industries). Some of our leads waited for months till our system sent them some offers. If you have similar situation, then continue reading.   
There is one simple trick that gives you an opportunity to choose and purchase the best links through LinksManagement. I'm sure that some of our clients will be angry on me, for revealing this secret because they were able to get really high PR juicy links through LinksManagement using the method that I'm going to share with you now.

Getting links on PR4-PR8 sites is really easy! You do not even have to wait for our offers. I want you to buy several links right now and see how easy it is to make your first steps on your way to rankings increase. 

This is how you can order a link on PR1-PR8 page guaranteed within a matter of seconds:

1. Choose your website category
Log in to your LinksManagement account, go to your 'Find & Buy' Interface, choose your project (create one if you haven't done this yet) and choose your website category by clicking 'Add category' button. After you choose the category you will see the offers from relevant website.
choosing website category

Note: If LinksManagement can't find websites with relevant website category, then it shows unrelevant offers right after relevant ones. So if you see many offers which are not relevant to your website then try the following trick:

Remove your website category by clicking the red X on the category filter in 'Find & Buy' InterfaceType in your keyword to 'URL' field to see all the pages which inlude your desired keyword in their URL. Try using keywords with only 1 word in it. If this is impossible like in case of 'real estate' then try using hyphen and underscore. For example, 'real-estate' or 'real_estate'. This method provides you with highly relevant offers in 93% of cases, because the URL of the page already includes your keyword. By trying different keywords you'll be able to see new sites which already have relevant keywords in their content and their webmasters will most likely accept your link. 

2. Now Put In The Desired Keyword Phrase & Purchase a Link.

Now you can purchase a link on any webpage that you see in this list. Just use a checkbox "Add to basket" to choose web-page that you like and click on the "Buy Selected Links" button. After that leave a keyword or enter your targeted keyword.

set your keyword set your keyword

Confirm your choice and click 'Add to basket' button and go to 
your basket to confirm the order.
Notice: "Buy" button will be inactive until you
add funds to your LinksManagement account.
Buy highly relevant links with PR1-PR8 using the method described above and increase your rankings on Google.

Minggu, 11 November 2012

Lima Makanan Yang Seharusnya Kita Hindari Setelah Olah Raga

Helo sobat netter... Mungkin anda sudah sering melakukan olah raga, baik yang ringan seperti jalan santai maupun yang super berat, sperti jogging, fitnes maupun yang lainya, disini ane ga ngebahas soal olah raga yang munkin sering kita lakukan tapi memberi tips agar lebih ok lg deh, pokoknya soal makananya. Munkin sehabis olah raga yang sangat berat kita akan merasa lapar yang tak tertahan, ok.. langsung aja ada beberapa tips buat anda, ada lima makanan yang seharusnya kita hindari setelah olah raga.
1. Roti
Jika Anda memakan roti gandum hal itu tidak akan cukup untuk mengisi ulang baterai Anda setelah aktivitas di gym. Roti terbuat dari pati sederhana yang cepat berubah menjadi gula ketika masuk di perut Anda, sehingga tidak memberikan manfaat gizi yang nyata.
Hal terbaik untuk dilakukan adalah menghindari roti putih. Sebaliknya, pilihlah roti gandum dengan selai kacang atau pisang.

2. Sereal
Kotak sereal Anda mungkin mengatakan sereal Anda rendah lemak (yang mungkin benar) tetapi jika Anda melihat lebih dekat, kadar garam dan gulanya mungkin cukup tinggi. Beberapa sereal telah terbukti mengandung gula lebih banyak dari cokelat! Sebaiknya cobalah yoghurt alami dengan granola atau ganti sereal Anda dengan salad buah segar.

3. Telur goreng

Sebenarnya, telur baik untuk Anda karena mereka penuh dengan protein dan kolin yang baik untuk kesehatan jantung. Tapi ketika telur digoreng dalam wajan dengan sejumlah besar minyak berlemak, tingkat lemak jenuh dalam telur akan menjadi sangat tinggi. Sebaiknya Anda mengonsumsi telur rebus atau telur orak-arik sebagai pilihan yang lebih sehat.

4. Kue
Croissant mungkin tergoda setelah sesi pemanasan, tapi mereka meiliki tingkat lemak jenuh tinggi, yang tidak akan membantu otot Anda pulih dari kelelahan setelah menggunakan treadmill. Tepung halus, gula dan lemak hanya akan membuat Anda merasa kembung dan lapar lagi dalam waktu 30 menit.

Cobalah gandum utuh seperti bubur dan selai kacang pada sepotong roti gandum utuh.

5. Smoothies
Sangat penting untuk memeriksa apa yang dimasukkan ke dalam smoothie yang Anda minum. Beberapa tempat akan memasukan potongan buah utuh ke dalam blender sehingga Anda dapat percaya bahwa apa yang Anda dapatkan adalah bahan alami, tetapi yang lain akan menggunakan jus buah konsentrat yang mengandung sejumlah besar gula.

Selalu hindari yoghurt beku dan es krim, jika ragu-ragu, minumlah kopi hitam, teh hijau, atau segelas air lemon ketika Anda sedang berhenti.

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Tips For Starting A Business

Tips For Starting A Business Do you have ideas or tips for starting a business? Do you need extra income? Do you have a job that can not be abandoned, but you want to be your own boss? This is one of the manifestations of questions that can give the people a routine activity that you want to change for the better. Here are tips for starting a business: 1. Business Plan – Create a business plan as detailed as possible. For example: how much time it takes to make a product? Where do you keep your finished product? How many products can you sell? 2. Honesty is the key to success – Honesty is the tips for starting a business, that is very important. Honesty is not only your customers but you also have to be honest with yourself. 3. Little do and think big – you have a dream and a great idea, this is the capital. Suppose you want a major distributor, but you do not have much time because the work-related. You do not have to cancel your job right and then there’s your new company to pursue. All you need is time management, money and human resources in small increments. Build your small business can make more money than the job you have today. After the result beyond your basic job, new you thinking of developing your new business. 4. Having a Passion – Love the job, or whatever you do, your own self-motivation. So one day you will say: “I do not think I have a lot of money to get what I love.” In love with what you do, identify your path, be honest with yourself and do the little things that make a great idea. Tips for starting a business is not a core issue when it will start a business, but these tips are important things that can not be ignored.

Cara Mudah Menaikan Alexa Rank Blogger

Hello sobat netter sekalian..........
Setelah beberapa waktu lalu, saya menulis tentang PO Pertama Dari Klikajadeh-PTC
Cara hebat menaikan PR suatu blog akhirnya... Aku search dimesin pencari google
mencari info tentang cara menaikan alexa rank buat blogger/blogspot.com, akhirnya berkesimpulan tentang, alexa rank dihitung berdasarkan trafik suatu blog, makin tinggi suatu blog maka makin kecil juga alexa rank-nya, walaupun Coretan Bloggerku belum terindeks oleh Alexa Rank
tp saya optimis, kunjungi juga ya Blog Buat Bisnis Online, buat sobat blogger pemula yang ingin mencoba, silahkan ikuti cara yang sangat sederhana ini!
1. Install Alexa toolbar atau Firefox’s Search Status extension dan set Blog kamu sebagai HomePage. Ini langkah Awal sebagai basic dari langkah langkah yang lain. Ajak Teman anda untuk memasang ALexa Toolbar. Jika anda Bekerja di Kantor atau di Warnet instal semua browser pada setiap komputer dan set blog anda sebagai home Page.
2. Pasang Alexa Rank Widget pada site anda. Konon Menurut beberapa orang setiap klik akan dihitung walau tidak akada Alexa Toolbar jika kita memasang alexa Rank Widget.
3. Tulis Blog Tentang Alexa / Alexa Rank Banyak yang menyarankan agar menulis Blog tentang Alexa Rank karena topik Alexa Rank sangat di cari oleh Webmaster dan memungkinkan banyak pengunjung atas Blog Anda.
4. Daftar ke Forum Webmaster dan tampilakan site anda disana. Sebagian besar webmaster menginstal alexa Toolbar pada browsernya jadi ini bisa membantu meningkatkan alexa Rank anda.
Semoga bermanfaat.