Some of our clents inform us that they couldn't find PR4-PR8 links in Find & Buy inventory. Usually this happended because they were searching for the websites from really small niches
(industries). Some of our leads waited for months till our system sent
them some offers. If you have similar situation, then continue
Getting links on PR4-PR8 sites is really easy! You do not even have to wait for our offers. I want you to buy several links right now and see how easy it is to make your first steps on your way to rankings increase.
This is how you can order a link on PR1-PR8 page guaranteed within a matter of seconds:
1. Choose your website category
Log in to your LinksManagement account, go to your 'Find & Buy' Interface, choose your project (create one if you haven't done this yet) and choose your website category by clicking 'Add category' button. After you choose the category you will see the offers from relevant website.
Note: If LinksManagement can't find websites with relevant website category, then it shows unrelevant offers right after relevant ones. So if you see many offers which are not relevant to your website then try the following trick:
Remove your website category by clicking the red X on the category filter in 'Find & Buy' Interface. Type in your keyword to 'URL' field to see all the pages which inlude your desired keyword in their URL. Try using keywords with only 1 word in it. If this is impossible like in case of 'real estate' then try using hyphen and underscore. For example, 'real-estate' or 'real_estate'. This method provides you with highly relevant offers in 93% of cases, because the URL of the page already includes your keyword. By trying different keywords you'll be able to see new sites which already have relevant keywords in their content and their webmasters will most likely accept your link.
2. Now Put In The Desired Keyword Phrase & Purchase a Link.
Now you can purchase a link on any webpage that you see in this list. Just use a checkbox "Add to basket" to choose web-page that you like and click on the "Buy Selected Links" button. After that leave a keyword or enter your targeted keyword.
Confirm your choice and click 'Add to basket' button and go to your basket to confirm the order.
Notice: "Buy" button will be inactive until you add funds to your LinksManagement account.
Buy highly relevant links with PR1-PR8 using the method described above and increase your rankings on Google.