Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

7 Important Steps to Get Ranked Top 10 on Google

LinksManagement SEO experts are used to endeavor at revealing the reasons why some sites cannot succeed to get ranked in Google Top 10 regardless the amount of backlinks, nor their quality. We have analyzed thousands of our clients' websites and their SEO strategies of achieving #1 on Google and noticed that some of our clients have great results, whereas others don't. So we aimed at revealing the most important reasons WHY some clients cannot succeed to get ranked in Google Top 10 and what you need to do to successfully achieve #1 on Google.

For your convenience the list of "must-dos" is given below. Follow these steps:

1. Get high quality text backlinks from relevant websites.

Quality of backlinks is much more important than quantity. There are numerous of cases when lower number of backlinks yields much higher rankings boost on Google than higher number of links with lower quality. And after the recent Google updates quality became even more important than quantity. So focus on high quality, text backlinks, coming from relevant webpages with PR1 and higher. Learn How to Choose The Right Keywords for Your Website.

2. Get rid of all the duplicated content.
It is not just an advice. It's a sharp necessity! After Panda 3.6 update having been launched by Google recently there is no way for the sites with duplicated content to be in Google Top 10. So, pay attention to the quality of your site content because the importance of this factor grows up from day to day. There are numerous content duplicate checker tools, which may help you find and get rid of all the duplicated content.

3. Get backlinks from pages with various PR.
There were many words said about the naturalness of the link building campaigns. And much more will be said. In this view, the diversity of PR of your links comes to the foreground. You should understand that only high PR or only low PR links in your backlink profile seem suspicious to Google. That's why your backlinks have to come from web pages with different PR. Moreover, most of your links should come PR0 and PR1 pages to look natural for Google.

Your keywords have to be various as well.
The researchers have shown that clients who were building links not only for their main keyword, but also for the anchor texts like "click here" and by using their site URL address as an anchor text, were progressing in the SERPs even after Penguin update. Thereupon, we suggest you to build 20% of your links for the URL address as an anchor text and 20% with such  anchor texts as "click here", "see the details", "learn more", etc.
As for the natural links acquisition, you have to realize that hundreds of links built for only one keyword are far from being considered as natural by Google. Thus, we strongly recommend you building links for your site for different keywords. This moment can be crucial for your site getting to the wanted page #1. For example, if your main keyword is 'real estate', feel free to get backlinks for such keywords as: "real estate", "real estate new york", "affordable real estate", "usa real estate", "click here to see real estate", etc. Your keywords can contain your main keyword, but they should also contain some other additional words - this will make your campaign look natural to Google. Learn How to Choose The Right Keywords for Your Website.

5. Purchase links gradually.
Don't buy a lot of high PR links the same day. But them little by little. For example, if your current website PR is PR3, don't buy more than 1 PR5 or PR6 link per week. And better start from purchasing a few PR2 and PR3 links first. In a week buy a few PR4 links. In one more week, buy 1 PR5 link and 5 more PR1 links. And so on. Let us know if you need more help regarding this or let us select & buy the best relevant PR3-PR6 links for your website - just subscribe to one of our Contextual Links Packages and we'll do everything for you.

6. Be patient.
The more competitive your keywords are, the more time it is necessary for you to get ranked on Google. It can take from 3 to 9 months. Most LinksManagement customers achieve Top 10 on Google within 6 months. Remember that Google is using psychological manipulation - when you get new backlinks, at first your rankings drop down, and only with time they come back and get higher than they were before. So once again, be patient.

7. Track the results.
Check out our Weekly Rankings Changes Reports, which are automatically sent to you by LinksManagement for free on a regular basis to see where you were before your link building campaign initiation and where you are now. Feel free to also use CuteRank or some other tools to check your rankings. Learn How To Measure Your Campaign Effectiveness & Results.

If you don't have a LinksManagement account yet, you can sign up free here or you can find out more about our PR4-PR8 contextual link building service here.

Simple Way To Get PR4-PR8 Relevant Links 100% Guaranteed

Some of our clents inform us that they couldn't find PR4-PR8 links in Find & Buy inventory. Usually this happended because they were searching for the websites from really small niches (industries). Some of our leads waited for months till our system sent them some offers. If you have similar situation, then continue reading.   
There is one simple trick that gives you an opportunity to choose and purchase the best links through LinksManagement. I'm sure that some of our clients will be angry on me, for revealing this secret because they were able to get really high PR juicy links through LinksManagement using the method that I'm going to share with you now.

Getting links on PR4-PR8 sites is really easy! You do not even have to wait for our offers. I want you to buy several links right now and see how easy it is to make your first steps on your way to rankings increase. 

This is how you can order a link on PR1-PR8 page guaranteed within a matter of seconds:

1. Choose your website category
Log in to your LinksManagement account, go to your 'Find & Buy' Interface, choose your project (create one if you haven't done this yet) and choose your website category by clicking 'Add category' button. After you choose the category you will see the offers from relevant website.
choosing website category

Note: If LinksManagement can't find websites with relevant website category, then it shows unrelevant offers right after relevant ones. So if you see many offers which are not relevant to your website then try the following trick:

Remove your website category by clicking the red X on the category filter in 'Find & Buy' InterfaceType in your keyword to 'URL' field to see all the pages which inlude your desired keyword in their URL. Try using keywords with only 1 word in it. If this is impossible like in case of 'real estate' then try using hyphen and underscore. For example, 'real-estate' or 'real_estate'. This method provides you with highly relevant offers in 93% of cases, because the URL of the page already includes your keyword. By trying different keywords you'll be able to see new sites which already have relevant keywords in their content and their webmasters will most likely accept your link. 

2. Now Put In The Desired Keyword Phrase & Purchase a Link.

Now you can purchase a link on any webpage that you see in this list. Just use a checkbox "Add to basket" to choose web-page that you like and click on the "Buy Selected Links" button. After that leave a keyword or enter your targeted keyword.

set your keyword set your keyword

Confirm your choice and click 'Add to basket' button and go to 
your basket to confirm the order.
Notice: "Buy" button will be inactive until you
add funds to your LinksManagement account.
Buy highly relevant links with PR1-PR8 using the method described above and increase your rankings on Google.

Jumat, 23 November 2012

Kontes Affiliasi Terbesar Diakhir 2012

Kontes Affiliasi Terbesar Diakhir 2012

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Hingga saat ini masih belum kesampaian, buat sobat pemula yang ingin punya penghasilan pluss hadiah menarik berupa Mobil Suzuki Ertiga GX senilai 165.000.000 silahkan gabung disini GRATISS!!!