Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Tips Membuat Blog Untuk Bisnis Online

Membuat blog untuk bisnis online adalah salah satu cara strategis dan mudah memulai bisnis online untuk pemula. Kenapa saya katakan cara mudah ?, karena membuat blog hanya membutuhkan waktu 5 menit. Bahkan anda bisa memiliki blog gratis, anda tidak harus membayar apapun, dan blog anda akan selalu ada di internet hampir selamanya. Ada 2 pilihan flatform blog yang bisa anda buat dengan mudah dan gratis, yaitu blog blogspot dan blog Hanya saja untuk anda yang suatu saat ingin menjadikan blog anda tampil beda sesuai selera anda, maka blog blogspot pilihan terbaik, karena tampilan blog blogspot bisa anda edit semau anda, sementara tamplan blog tidak bisa anda ubah, blog akan tetap tampil seperti saat pertama anda gunakan. Memilih blog flatform blogspot ini adalah pilihan awal untuk anda yang hendak menjadikan bisnis anda online, sementara anda tidak ingin mengeluarkan biaya bulanan. Meskipun demikian membuat blog berbayar itu jauh lebih baik karena ia berbayar bulanan maka ia akan benar-benar menjadi milik anda, sedangkan blog blogspot gratisan, karena ia gratis maka anda tidak punya hak penuh atas blog anda. Untuk blog berbayar anda bisa memilih blog Anda bisa ubah tampilan blog berbayar semau anda, tapi tentu saja itu untuk anda yang bisa memahami kode bahasa program komputer. Mengelola blog mudah, semudah membuat file menggunakan microsoft word. Untuk membuat blog anda memerlukan nama domain dan jasa hosting yang banyak tersedia di dalam negeri. Harga nama domain berkisar Rp.90.000,- untuk masa pakai 1 tahun, jadi tiap tahun anda harus memperpanjang hak pakai nama domain anda. Kemudian biaya jasa hosting dimulai dari Rp.15.000,- per bulan, dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh penyedia hosting. Jika anda tidak memperpanjang hak pakai nama domain anda maka blog anda akan tidak tampil di internet, begitupun juga jika anda tidak membayar tagihan jasa hosting. Tapi anda tidak perlu khawatir lupa membayar, karena penyedia jasa hosting akan memberitahukan anda jika saat anda harus membayar sudah tiba. Barangkali sampai disini anda bingung yang mana harus anda pilih, blog blogspot yang gratis atau blog berbayar, pilihan ada ditangan anda. Jika anda memerlukan bantuan konsultasi tentang bisnis online dan pembuatan blog silahkan hubungi saya via email atau via ponsel 0857-470-830-87 (im3) dan 0819-089-772-74 (xl). Jika anda ingin mengetahui cara membuat bog blogspot silahkan klik disini.

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

How To Measure SEO Effectiveness?

How To Measure SEO Effectiveness?

How do I track & measure the results of my SEO & link building campaign?

  1. Before purchasing links, check your current website rankings measure_seo_resultson Google for your targeted keywords. You can do that either with the help of this Google Keyword Tracker Tool or with the help of CuteRank.

    Or here is how you can quickly do that manually: open, go to settings, select "Show the first 100 search results", and save settings. Now type your keyword, click Search, and look through the first 200-500 search results, looking for your website URL. Press Ctrl+F and type your site domain name to find it among the search results quickly. If you find your site there, check which exactly place it has and write it down. If you don't - you'll know your site isn't in the first 200-500 search results.
  2. Purchase some links for your keyword. The more competitive your keyword is (the shorter it is), the more links you'll need to buy to be able to see rankings improvement for that keyword. Learn more about selecting the right keywords. If you're on a tight budget or new to SEO and want to test LinksManagement service, select low competitive keyword phrase (it should contain at least 3-4 words) and buy minimum 10 links for this keyword. And you'll see great results. If your keyword is low competitive, maybe you'll even be able to get to the 1st place on Google by having only 10 backlinks for that keyword.
  3. Check your website rankings on Google 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and even 6 months later. You can also do this with the help of CuteRank. The longer your link lives, the more valuable it becomes for Google and for your website. Google implemented algorithm, which gives very low weight to new links and much higher weight to old links. They did it because if a link gets removed soon, it means it wasn't natural. If it stays alive for long, it means it's natural. So the longer your link stays alive, the more value it has and the more results it brings. That's why in 1 month after links purchase you'll see only 5% of the whole effectiveness of these links. On the 2nd month you'll see around 15% of whole effectiveness of your backlinks. On 3rd month - around 30%. On 4th month - from 50% to 70%. And only when your links stayed alive for 6 months and more, Google will take them really seriously and you'll see from 70% to 100% of their influence on your site rankings improvement.
If you don't have a LinksManagement account yet, you can sign up free here or you can find out more about our PR4-PR8 contextual link building service here.

How to Choose Keywords for Your Website?

How to Choose Keywords for Your Website?

Choosing the Right Keywords is a Key to
Successful SEO & Link Popularity Campaign

If you are implementing SEO for your website, it doesn't do much unless you select the right keywords for your link building campaign. There are several important stages in selecting the best keywords in terms of SEO & ROI:
1. Who Is Your Targeted Audience? How to Choose Keywords for Your Website

Who are your potential customers? What words are they most likely going to use to find your products or services on Google? Write down the top 10-20 key phrases that best describe your services or products. There should be a few words here — not just “lawyer,” but “San Diego divorce lawyer.”

2. Where Is The Most Traffic?

Insert your keyword list into the Google AdWords Keyword Selector Tool to find the most searched keywords. Use the synonyms feature to get more ideas. If there is a lot of traffic (in thousands), focus on the exact match only. If there is not, then look at the phrase matches. Rank them in hierarchy of traffic, export them into an excel spreadsheet and highlight the ones you would like to rank for. We strongly suggest you to use the Ultimate Niche Finder tool to easier find the right keywords! Just watch this short video presentation and you will LOVE it.

3. What Keyword Are The Least Competitive?choose right keywords for seo

The easiest way to select the least competitive keywords is to use those key phrases, which contain at least 3-4 words. All 1- and 2-words keywords have HUGE competition. If you're on a tight budget, focus on long tail keywords (which contain from 4 and more words).

4. Are Your Keywords Profitable?

Are people, using your selected keywords, looking to buy something? A phrase like “Swiss watches” may have 10x more traffic, but a phrase like “buy a Swiss watch” will bring in the bucks with a higher ROI and will take a much shorter time to rank.

5. Test Your Keywords with Google AdWords bef
ore You Invest in Themselect the best keywords

Here’s a simple tip that could easily save you 12 months of work: setting up an effective SEO campaign in a competitive market can be a long drawn out and expensive process. Worse yet, if you are focused on the wrong keywords, you might need to start over again after you find out that your site is not producing the results you want.

An easy way to avoid needing to start over is to test the value of your selected keywords before you heavily commit to your SEO strategy. Buying pay-per-click ads (PPC) from Google AdWords allows you to see what keywords have the ability to drive traffic to your site, and whether or not it converts to leads and clients! Many people waste thousands of dollars to find out later that their keywords don't bring them the right audience. Test your keywords in AdWords to avoid that. Learn how to do this right.

6. Focus!
choose right keywords for seo

Select a few main keywords, for which you want to rank high and focus on these keywords until you get the 1st place on Google for each of them. Don't invest in more than 5 keywords at a time unless you can afford that or if your keywords are long tail keywords (with very low competition). One of the biggest mistakes of many SEOs is trying to reach high rankings for 10 or more highly competitive keywords at once with low budget.

7. Go The Easy Way.

If you're on a tight budget, here is a 5-steps technique for you to get to the 1st spot on Google ASAP & with minimum budget.

If you're new to SEO, then we strongly recommend you to read more detailed help in regards to which keywords to choose in this great article, written by SEO Book.

P.S. And remember - the sooner you buy links for your site, the sooner you'll improve your rankings on Google, increase traffic & sales! (If you don't have a LinksManagement account yet, you can sign up free here or you can find out more about our PR4-PR8 contextual link building service here.)